Active Blog 1: Giving advice to a friend

Dear students,

This is the first Active Blog, the task for this activity will be the following:

Write five pieces of advice to a friend of yours who is having diffcult times with his/her family.

To help you with this task, watch this video:

Remember the following;
  • Write 85-90 words
  • The comments section will be available until Saturday 13th at 21:00
Good luck!


  1. Dear friend
    I know it is very difficult moment for you and your family, the death of your dog.Yesterday when I saw you, you were very sad and without encouragement to go out to share.
    I think that you should try to go out and clear your mind. You could visit places with a lot nature as “Cajon del Maipo”, also you can join with me for singing in the metro Cueca Brava or simply you could come with us for playing football, thus can you change your mood.
    Everything is going to be alright my friend, see you.

  2. Dear Mary,

    Yesterday called you and your mom get the phone and she told me that you are very sad because reproved two courses, I know it is very difficult for you because you don't take a practice, but you should trust you and I think that during this vacation you should visit your cousin in Valparaiso to relax and there you can realize different activities to forget the problems. When you back home, you should return play the basketball and better organize to the second semester.

    If you need me, just call me.

  3. Dear friend
    Recently, I knew you felt your family didn't understand you, and you were through a bad time. If it helps, I wanted to give you a few tips; I feel that in these cases, the best thing is to go for a walk, you can climb a hill, to clear and aclaarr your ideas, you must distinguish that really keeps you in conflict with your family, then you should talk with your family, face to face. Then, you could do outdoor activities together, if you can solve your problem.
    Anything, you have my help.

  4. Dear friend:
    I heard you got some problems with your family. I understand if you are not able to share your problems with me, but maybe it will be very useful if you go out to a park to distract yourself and to take a deep breath, also try to not be impulsive, you may hurt someone even if you don't want to do it. Be patient because everything will be better.
    If you need to speak with someone, do not hesitate to contact me.

  5. Dear friend,

    I knew about your loss, I'm so sorry for your grandmother's death. I hope you can live a grieving process in peace. I offer you my help in everything you consider necessary. I recommend you be with your family. Being together with your loved ones and being able to express emotions will help you enormously. As you know, I've lost my grandmother a couple of years ago and I've been through that terrible moment, I hope to talk with you and you can tell me what you're feeling as the days go by.

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. Dear Policarpo.

    The other day I saw your brother walking through the center of santiago, I greeted him. He told me about your problem, I'm sorry to hear what happened, and about it I'm writing that letter to you. You've to take a breath to reflect, you should explain the problem well, invite your parents to a reconciliation dinner, practice an activity to relieve stress, and remember that your parents just want to help you. hoping it will help you I hope that all your problems are solved, I'll be waiting for your answer

  8. Dear friend,

    I’m sorry to know that you are having diffcult times with your family. You must be very sad in this situation. If I were you, I would talk to your parents to try to solve the problems. You should also do things to distract yourself like meeting your friends or calling me when you need to talk to someone.
    I'm sorry you're going through this, but I'm sure that you will overcome your problems.
    Don’t forget that I will be available for whatever you need.

  9. Friend:
    You're going through a delicate moment, but everybody go through this. For this I will give you five tips that I myself follow when I am in these situations: breathe deep and count to ten, go for a walk near your house and analyze what you are going, call your best friend and tell it, is good to have another opinion , wait a while and discuss the issue with your family and finally do not make decisions while annoying, keep your mind cold.

  10. Dear friend,

    I know this is a very difficult time for you and your family, losing your grandfather must be very sad. Maybe I can help you with some pieces of advice.
    To lose someone who’s close is very hard, you need to do something relaxing. Maybe if you talk with a friend, you may feel better. Talk about my feelings, is the best way for me to get relaxed. Also, you should try to listen music and walk to think in other things.

    I hope you feel better,

  11. Dear Karin,
    I understand the situation.
    Don’t take any decisions annoyed. You must think about the problem, analyzing the situation and find the solution.
    In my case, when I have problem with my family, I go to the park to walk .
    If you felt sad, you would do something funny with me, it is a good plan go to the cinema and eat ice cream.
    Remember, your family always pardon your mistakes because, they love you and understand when you are wrong.

  12. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  13. Dear friend,
    I knew you have a lot of fights with your parents. In all probability, you really love your mom and dad, but that doesn`t mean they have the same opinion. As parents, they maybe think what is best for you. If you understood that, you would be more compressive and try to overcome conflicts. But if you have the economic possibility and age, you could move out of their house. I know many cases, when the son or daughter moved, the relationship was better, because both parts have space and don`t fight all the time.
    If you need to speak with someone or a roommate, I will always be there for you bro. 

    See you later.

  14. Dear Francisco:
    Thank you for trusting me, and tell me your problem. I know that at your age it is very difficult to make friends at school, but this has happened to all of us
    I think a good idea could be to tell you what you like a lot of the anime and that you play very well video games.
    I'm sure that some of your new colleagues will be interested in talking with you I hope to how it went
    See you
    Who loves you

  15. Dear BFF:
    I know you have been having difficult times with your family. You should try to manage your emotions and focus on solutions and not in troubles. For that, always is important to be prepared and willing to talk with them, because the problems are solved through dialogue and communication. If I were you, I would look at the bright side, see conflict as a tool and opportunity to improve your family relationships.
    Everything is going to be alright. Call me for whatever you want.


  16. Hi Israel.
    The last week I had been meeting with your sibling, so she told me about your parents and his difficult situation. Since we have been relationship a long time, so I will be very sincerely with you.
    Your sibling was upbringing the better off them, it you know! However, you must will be the better used to younger brother. Finally, one point very important is don’t let the study for anyway. I will be stay this saturday in your home.
    See you soon.


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