Active Blog 2: Write about an imaginary situation

Dear students,

This is the second Active Blog, the task for this activity will be the following:

What would you do if you were a billionaire?

To help you with this task, watch this video:

Remember the following;
  • Write 90-100 words
  • The comments section will be available until Sunday 22nd at 21:00
Good luck!


  1. If I were a millionaire, I would have all the money in the Bank and go it spending slowly. I would like to use it all on journeys, in how many trips I could, to get to know new cultures and ways of life. This money would finance my trip of University Exchange.
    In addition, I would pay good teaching English abroad; and I would also take classes to learn many more languages: as German, Italian, French and Portuguese.
    Being a billionaire, I would also do courses in Permaculture, with idea to buy me a spot in the field to create an alternative health center.

    1. -spend it slowly
      - as many trips as I could
      - a good English course abroad
      - such as German...
      - with the objective of buying a spot...

      Good job.

  2. If I were a billionaire I would travel around the world like New York, Europe, Thailand, New Zealand, etc. Also I would give money to charity like COANIQUEM every year and I would have a health clinic where poor people don´t pay and I would pay expensive health treatments for example some medicines costs five hundred thousand dollars. On the other hand I would buy a house in the countryside and I would build a horse stable, besides in the countryside would have a wine vineyard which I would export the wine to another countries.

    1. -treatments. For example, some medicine cost...
      - On the other hand, I would...
      - ...stable. Besides, in the countryside, I would...
      - which I would export to other countries.

      Very good job.

  3. If I were a billionaire, first I would buy a big ground to establish a blueberry orchard or an organic vineyard as a family business, also I would like to travel or pay for a course abroad to learn different languages, such as English, Italian and French. In addition, I would pay for my nephew's studies and help my sisters so they can manage a new rural school in Navidad. On the other hand, I would buy a Volkswagen Kombi T3 to travel throughout Chile or South America, and thus help small farmers with their gardens and promote the sale of their organic products.

    1. - first, I would buy a big piece of land.
      -... business. Also, I would...

      Very good job.

  4. If I were a billionaire I would probably pay all the debts of my mom, also I would buy a house for her and my sisters, so they would have a better place for live. The house wouldn't be too expensive but would be a comfortable and warm one.
    In addition, I would help to the animals who lives in the street, I would buy them food and clothes, and most important, I would find them a home.
    Finally, I would buy tickets for my mom and me to travel all around France, but mainly Paris.

    1. Also, I would...
      - but it would be a comfortable...
      - I would help animals who live in the street.

      Very good job

  5. First thing I would do is buy some apartments and house in the beach, city and others countries. Besides I would do buy to my parents a house and all my family in place of him dreams. So, if I had a lot money, I give them a portion of my wealth to spend or invest in everything. As, I would do a net of excellent free school and I would have had the best teachers and excellent structure building, so I could get help to children’s, boys and community whit it. Finally, I would do my time for read topics several and research about math fast without.

    1. - Besides, I would buy my parents...
      - All my family in the place of their dreams.
      - I would give them a portion.
      - Also, I would do a network of...
      - I would have the best teachers.
      - Community with it.
      - I would spend my time for reading several topics.
      - Research about math without what???

      Good job, but pay more attention to some ideas.

  6. If I were a billionaire I would do a lot of things. First, I would help my family, buy them a house, travel with them to many countries in the world and secure their future. Also, I’d invest in stocks or real estate because the money is not for ever. Another thing that I would do is go to a lot of restaurants to try exotic food. I’d also donate a part of my money to charitable foundations. All of this, is considering that money is only a means and is very important to keep learning things and fully enjoy life.

    1. - All of this considering that money is only a mean and it is very important...

  7. If I were a billionaire, I would travel to different countries around the world. I would like to visit the greatest museums in Europe. If I were a billionaire, I would like to be able to study philosophy and literature at a French university. If I had a lot of money I would love to have a giant library. In addition, with the money that it would have, it would help schools with limited resources in the different regions of Chile. Finally, with the money, he would create a foundation that would support the young artists.

    1. - With the money that I would have, I would help schools...

      - I would help schools with...

      Good job!

  8. If I were billionaire, I would do a lot of things. First and the most important, I’d pay my studies. Then I’d give some money to my family, so they could make what they want and wouldn´t have any money problems. Also, I’d buy some houses and flats as an investment, so I could put them on rent and make more money.
    Finally, I’d buy a piece of land outside the city to manage the production of fruit trees if I had enough money. I’d like to raise lemon trees and avocado trees.

  9. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  10. If I were billion, I could go to know other places in the world, perhaps other cultures that are almost unknown to other people. I would also like to take my family with me and they could meet other cultures. Also, it would have economic resources to help schools or kindergarden that are not well of resources would be like a supporter who has knowledge about what he does and why he is doing it. For a while later the money will be saved because it is spent very fast and maybe necessary in some health emergencies

    1. - If I was a billionaire...
      - I could go visit other places...
      - Could know other cultures.
      - I would have econmic resources
      -I would be a supporter who has knowledge about what they do why they are doing it ?

      Good job, but be careful writing some ideas.

  11. If I were a billionaire, I would buy land in Pirque and in the south of Chile, to design and build my own houses.
    I would travel around the world and visit all my country with my family.
    In Europe I would visit all the architecture and museums, especially I will visit the architecture of Antoni Gaudí in Spain and I will buy a copy paint of Vincent Van Gogh in Amsterdam, because Vincent and Antoni are my favorites artist in the world.
    I would create a construction company with sustainable development and socially conscious to building green socially houses.

  12. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  13. If I were billionaire, first I would buy many properties in other cities and countries. Then I would put the rest of the money in investments at the bank. If I had that money at the bank, I would travel to many psy trance festivals around the world every summer in the North Hemisphere. If I could pay the construction of a new house, I would build another in the same place. I would build more houses to my parents and brothers in the same community. Finally, in the same piece of land I would create a center for sustaintability, arts and healing.

  14. If I were a billionaire, I would buy many apartments in the world for rent out. Also, I would travel with my mom to Brazil because is her favorite country, maybe we could live in this place for a short time, if she wanted. After that, I would study Urban Planning in the USA and then I would live in Amsterdam because is my dream and I would travel to all of Europe and Asia. After know of many countries, I would buy a mansion in Dubai to live with my family and we would have an elephant of pet

    1. - Because it is her favorite...
      - it is my dream
      - an elephant as a pet.

      Good job!!

  15. if I were billionaire, I would begin to developing any business projects or buildings. The projects focused to self-sustainable I would also be an investor in this area for the regions of Chile because it is beautiful and we dont do anything to take care it, for example in the area of builds, build lofts ecological in the mains tourist attractions of Chile. Also i would take a few years to travel by the world starting Latin America but also work in to save the world as an eccentric billionaire with armor same like a iron man.

    1. - begin to develop
      - Self-sustainability.
      -Don't do anything to...
      - Area of buildings
      - Main attractions
      - Also, I would take...
      - starting in LA
      - but also work to save...
      - With an armor like Iron Man.

      Good job.

  16. If I were a billionaire, I would buy the house of my dreams, in Puerto Varas, where I would live with all my family. Also I would pay the debts and the education of all of them. Additionally, I would help the poor, I would help homeless people, I would give them money to satisfy their basic needs as water, food, shelter and clothing, and the most importantly, I would give them an education to ensure that we all have a basic standard of living, because without education it is very difficult to arise in this country.

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